Celebrating 1 Year of Success: The WBN Guide to Becoming a Best-Selling Author

Celebrating 1 Year of Success: The WBN Guide to Becoming a Best-Selling Author

Wow it has been a year!!

1 year ago today we hit publish on Amazon for our book collaboration the Womens Business Network Guide to Becoming a Successful Entrepreneur

Our journey to publication

A collaboration of 20 members of the Womens Business Network membership group who came together to share their wisdom, knowledge and experience for the good of others. The idea came about when Sharon our Founder made a comment during one of our meetings “We should write a book”.

At each of our WBN meetings every person attending gets an opportunity to speak and it was whilst listening to all the introductions that Sharon truly recognised the wealth of knowledge and experience in all areas of running a small business between the members of the group. All members were invited to take part in this self-published business book collaboration project and 20 members accepted.

Our book came together over a period of 12 months lead by Sharon and supported by Shelley Wilson Writing Mentor and fellow WBN member. Writing a book is not an easy task there is so much to think of, topics, flow, pagination, editing, cover design, Forewards to be written, the list goes on. Fortunately with Shelley on hand we were able to navigate each of these stages with ease.

Our book comprises 27 chapters where we take you on the journey of a small business owner starting from your business idea to finances and planning to marketing and branding to premises or work from home, technical, business networking, managing stress and mindset through to relfecting and lessons learnt and much more. A whistle stop tour of handy tips for any stage of your business journey. Our members have decades of business knowledge all packaged up in this handy paperback or to save it to your kindle.

A screenshot of the Amazon UK "Home-Based" best-sellers list, showing three books: "Guide to Becoming a Successful Entrepreneur" priced at £14.95.Milestones and Successes

We reached Amazon no 1 Best Seller within the first 48 hours of going on sale in the Home Business category – A huge achievement that was so exciting for us as first time self published authors. We held our official launch 5 days later on 21st October at the Meet the Author Book Event in Kenilworth Warwickshire.

This event was such a huge celebration of all that we had achieved as well as an opportunity for many of our members to meet in person for the first time, having met and build a strong relationship in the online world of WBN.

In April 2024 we entered our book in the Business Book Awards 2024 which is an annual event to recognise Business books published in the previous year. It is open to a National and International audience. we believe there were over 250 books entered into these Awards.

In London on 15th May 2024 we were announced as shortlisted as a Finalist which was a huge surprise! This was a huge achievement being a self published book up against so many books that were backed and supported by publishing houses.

On 19th September we were back in London for the Business Book Awards final where we were only 1 of 3 self published books in the whole event. The only female authors in our category The Start Up Scale Up Category. It was a fabulous event and it really hit home just what a huge accolade this was for us as female business owners. You can read all about it in our recent blog post WBN Attend as finalists in the Business Book Awards 2024

Why collaboration matters

Sharon remembers being asked about 4 years ago do you have a book in you and her response “No I couldn’t do that!”

And now here we are with our own book and a fabulous 12 months of celebrations. If you have stories or wisdom that you can share for the benefit of others we would highly encourage you to share them. What a wonderful legacy to pass on to future generations.

Huge Congratulations to all my co-authors at WBN for this successful collaboration and a true demonstration of our core beliefs at WBN about the power of networking and that together we can achieve so much more.

Join Us

We will be out on the road again this weekend as we head to the Meet the Author Event 2024 to share our book with all the visitors and authors attending. Fancy joining us we will be at the Francis of Assisi Church, Kenilworth, Warwickshire from 11am to 3pm Saturday 19th October. Book a free place to attend here

Our book is available to purchase on Amazon in Kindle or Paperback version

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