Free Workshop – 5 Alignment Keys to Grow A Thriving Business


Womens Business Networking Limited

Womens Business Networking is a national online support network membership for female business owners to connect, unite and be empowered!

We are delighted to be collaborating with Kat Byles from PR with Heart to offer this Free Workshop to our Members and Visitors:

PR with Heart: 5 Alignment Keys to Grow your Audience and Impact for a Thriving Business and World

✨Create a consistent flow of clients or sales.

✨ Become the visible, go-to leader in your field.

✨ Inspire your audience with your positive message.

✨ Fulfil your purpose, contribution and impact.

✨ All in a way that is natural and joyful to you.

No manipulation pushing pain points.

No queasy self-promotion formulas.

No paralysing fears of being visible.

No posting into a social media void.

No trying to do it all, spinning your wheels.

PR with Heart begins with CONNECTION to your Heart’s Wisdom and creativity. You move gently into ALIGNMENT with a clear pathway forwards. ACTION is inspired in harmony with flow. What was previously challenging becomes inevitable.

During this 1 hour live, interactive workshop you will:

1. Demystify PR and marketing so it becomes simple and fun.

2. Receive 5 alignment keys to grow your audience and impact with ease.

3. Hear transformational stories inspiring you as to what is possible.

4. Have an opportunity to ask your PR and Marketing questions!

What others say..

“I’ve spent tens of thousands of dollars on marketing courses, from all the big names, and it’s not added up to a fraction of what Kat has led me to. I’m astonished by the simplicity and effectiveness of tapping into your heart to guide you toward creating and communicating the business of your dreams.”

Lisa MK Ling

“My PR plan became the creative, energetic heart of my project. What emerged was surprising, energising, and far larger than I expected. This has given me the courage to do effortlessly what I previously believed would be challenging. I cannot recommend Kat more highly. She is world-class.”

Simon Haas

“My business was drifting, without direction and then I found Kat. I connected directly with my heart and found the right path, which came with huge growth and financial success. New financial partnerships came knocking at my door, my website traffic went up by 50% and my turnover doubled.”

Lynne Beattie

“Kat has cleverly produced probably the most enlightening and uplifting PR course ever! I was surprised and delighted by the deep levels it hit and the unexpected outcomes – money flowed in from different places. Very highly recommended with bells and om”s.”

Helena Bingham

“I’ve created my whole PR with Heart plan. Thanks to you I got into Yoga Magazine. You gave me the courage to go for it. Now I have a book review and article in November and a second article in December.”

Sue Blanch

About Kat

Kat has spent 30+ years as a communications director for global brands and entrepreneurs pioneering positive social and environmental change.

She grew the Homeless World Cup from 18 to 70 nations positively benefiting 250,000 players and generating $25 million in media coverage. This included films Kicking It narrated by Colin Farrell selected for Sundance and sold to ESPN and The Beautiful Game staring Bill Nighy made for Netflix.

She is a director of Adoptacoastline, coastal stewardship across the Caribbean and author of Creative Happy Work: Follow your Heart to a Thriving Business, Life and World.

Find out more about PR with Heart here: