Free Workshop – Unlock Your Business’s True Potential


December 6


10:00 am – 11:00 am

Click to Register:

Womens Business Networking Limited

Womens Business Networking is a national online support network membership for female business owners to connect, unite and be empowered!

We are delighted to welcome Lindsey Burden Intuitive Business Coach along to deliver a Free One Hour Workshop to our audience called How To Unlock Your True Potential

About this Workshop:It feels as if you are doing everything you can and more, yet your goals remain out of reach. So, you add another marketing tool to the already overflowing toolbox.

Perhaps you find yourself going around in circles, wondering what you’re missing and spending hours looking for a solution. Then, when you come up for air, you are no longer sure what you need.

Your to-do list grows, unlike your income. You can see what others are achieving in your sector or field of expertise and wonder how they have the time.

Your confidence has taken a hit, and you are frustrated because you know that your clients get incredible results.

If this sounds like you or resonates in any way, join Lindsey on 6th December at 10am when she will:

Guide and support you in answering five powerful questions that will help you to:

• Gain the clarity you need.

• Regain your confidence.

• Refocus your attention.

You will leave the workshop motivated, energised, and ready to work on your business.

About Lindsey:

Lindsey is an intuitive business coach who works with ambitious women in business, guiding, motivating and inspiring her clients to create wildly successful businesses and time-rich lifestyles. She does this by providing tailored one-to-one coaching.

She firmly believes in success on your terms and in your unique way and supports her clients to create personal blueprints for success. Blueprints implemented without sacrificing their evenings, weekends, health or relations – their joy!

Located in Salisbury, Wiltshire, Lindsey lives with her husband and two children, who she had later in life, the first when she was 42 and the second when she was 44. She launched her business when they were both still small. So, she knows what it’s like to juggle and the challenges responsibilities can bring to a female business owner.

Do you need help finding the wood for the trees in your business?

Can you spare an hour on 6th December – I think your sanity and your business deserve it don’t you?

Register for your Free place so you can receive the link to join us online via zoom.