WBN Online Meeting 24th August 2023 1.00-2.30pm Free for Visitors


August 24


1:00 pm – 2:30 pm

Click to Register: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/wbn-online-meeting-24th-august-2023-100-230pm-tickets-617135487857

Womens Business Networking Limited

Website: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/o/womens-business-networking-limited-32317986331
Our August Meetings Visitors can attend Free of Charge
Womens Business Networking is a national online support network membership for female business owners to connect, unite and be empowered!

WBN meetings are relaxed and informal – we are a very supportive group where you can be yourself and ask for help.

At all our meetings there is an opportunity for all attendees to tell us about their business and what they do.

We have guest speakers to increase your business knowledge, break out rooms, discussion topics, business clinics.

At this session we will have a Guest speaker – Lindsey Byrne a Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach & a Certified Re:CODE 2.0 Health Coach

After a few years of watching her Mum’s memory decline, despairing, thinking that there was nothing anyone could do, quite by chance, Lindsey met someone who had almost totally reversed their own severe early onset Alzheimer’s symptoms.

That set her on this path and after almost 3000 hours of research and study, she has a wealth of evidence-backed resources that she can share with you.

But her expertise is in health coaching; helping people to make lifestyle changes, more quickly, easily and sustainably than if they tried alone.

It’s so important to her to get the message out there, an Alzheimer’s diagnosis is not the end, you can improve things.

Our modern lifestyles have a huge impact on our health. But making changes can be tough when we’re all so busy and stressed and reliant on convenience foods. lindsey can support you to make small incremental changes that fit into your lifestyle, she’s made those changes and she knows the workarounds. She’s on the Prevention Protocol herself, having tested her DNA at the same time as helping her Mum.

She’s always been the kind of person who looks for what they can do, what they can eat to improve any symptoms, rather than looking for a pill from the doctor. If you’re that kind of person too, get in touch to find out how Lindsey can help.

Also, Lindsey is delighted to report that her Mum is doing significantly better now! She’s more engaged and chatty, she can recall and discuss things from weeks ago, she plays along with Countdown again.


If any of the above resonates with you or if you would like to learn more about how you can make lifestyle changes to protect you in the future then Book your place today

I do hope you can join us

Womens Business Networking was founded by Sharon Louca a multi-award winning networker with over 13 years networking experience.

Sharon’s passion is providing women in business with the support they need to feel in control, grow a profitable and successful business, and alleviate stress and overload.

WBN’s Mission is that No Woman in Business Should Feel She is Alone

What does the Women’s Business Network offer?

  • A place to build trusted relationships with like-minded women
  • An opportunity to increase your business knowledge through our high calibre speakers and expert panel
  • Collaboration potential on projects where your area of expertise compliments with our members
  • To take part in discussion topics to take your business to the next level
  • Challenges to help you become the best version of you and increase your confidence and self belief
  • Raise awareness of your business and personal brand
  • To network with business women both nationally and internationally

We all want our business to succeed, evolve, and turn a profit. After all, isn’t that the driving force behind many of our decisions to start-up in the first place?

However, being a small business owner can also mean you are everything to everyone.

There has never been a more important time to ensure you have the right people around you – supporting you, motivating and guiding you through turbulent uncertain times.

The Women’s Business Network is the perfect platform to offer the kind of support you deserve. Our fabulous group is dedicated to the empowerment of women in business in the community through virtual networking, and membership options.

Fancy being part of this fantastic community of like-minded women. Why not come along to one of our meetings and see if we are the right fit for you and your business. We allow visitors to attend 3 times before we would ask them to join.

Book your place to join us or you can book a free discovery call with our founder Sharon Louca to learn more