Starting a business can be a daunting time for anyone, no matter the size of the company. Small business owners have the same anxiety, responsibilities, and subjects to navigate as someone launching a large corporation. However, the main distinguishing factor is that the small business owner is doing everything on their own.
If you have started your own business, you’ll appreciate how intimidating it can be. Let us look at some of the basic tasks involved in starting up in business:
- What you do depends on the type of business you launch – are you a sole trader or a limited company? Do you understand the difference?
- Are you selling goods? Do you require permits or licenses?
- To be found by your potential customers, will you need a website, social media platforms, etc.?
- Have you sourced an email address, bank account, etc.?

There is so much more to starting a business, and this tiny list is just the beginning. Some of these tasks are required by law. However, if you’ve never dealt with systems and processes before, how do you navigate through each stage?
The beauty of joining a networking group at this stage of your business development is the ability to learn from women who are already running established companies and can offer real-life advice and support.
Feeling alone can hinder your business journey. You can read more about feeling isolated as a small business owner in our post, Running a Small Business can be Lonely and Isolated.
Is there a way to overcome the stress and strain of a business start-up?

The Women’s Business Networking group is honoured to play a considerable role in supporting small business owners at every stage on their business adventure. From start-up to ten-year anniversaries, the network prides itself on offering advice, guidance, collaborations, and encouragement to help women in business to thrive.
We believe in our members, and we’re there for them every step of the way. Here are some of the benefits you’ll receive by joining the Women’s Business Networking group:
- Member Profile – Our facebook page is currently the hub of the network while our new website is under construction. Here we share resources, event information, our informative blog. Once completed our website will also feature an overview of our lovely members where you will be able to take advantage of this SEO (search engine optimised) promotion by adding your name, business details, and biography to the website for visitors to read.
- A panel of Experts – You can’t possibly know everything, and sometimes you don’t have the time, resources, or energy to do the necessary research. Our members have exclusive access to a panel of experts who specialise in business processes, sales and marketing, SEO and visibility, and human resources. Tap into this incredible font of knowledge and get the help and advice you need, when you need it.
- Resource Library – We have a free library and a paid option. As a member, you will have access to the paid library where we share resources to help you in every aspect of your business.
- Online Meetings – Geography, time restrictions, and workload can hinder our attempts to network effectively; that’s why our virtual networking sessions are so popular. We have members and guests attend our meetings from all over the globe, making this network a great way to reach a much wider audience. As part of your membership, you receive two free online meetings per month.
- Dedicated Facebook Group – While the online networking sessions are essential for meeting like-minded ladies, and introduce your products or services to others, we also appreciate the importance of needing answers in the moment. Our dedicated Facebook group is the perfect place to interact on the go with fellow members. Ask questions, share advice, tips, and experiences, and learn more about your fellow business owners.
Nobody needs to feel alone when they start a business. Equally, our members who are well established still need guidance from time to time, and no matter how long you have been a small business owner, everyone needs to know that someone believes in them.
The Women’s Business Networking provides you with everything you need to bring that belief to the forefront, and to support you towards a thriving business within a like-minded business community.
“There are times in business when we need reinforcements. A friendly army of like-minded people who can walk by our side. Who will listen to our thoughts, reflect on our dilemmas and successes and cheer us along? Sharon not only brings along her extensive business knowledge but has also attracted experts from a wide range of business arenas. We are in safe hands in this group. We can share out troubles and our joys. And that is invaluable in today’s complex business environment.” Alison Taylor, Global Business Development.

Find out more about the support, online meetings, and guest speakers we have coming up at the Women’s Business Networking group via our website
Alternatively, get in touch to discover how membership to Women’s Business Networking can benefit you and your business.
Book a free clarity call with Sharon to see how we can help you further.