What the heck is self-care?
We are delighted to share a guest post from Women’s Business Networking member, Sharon Taylor, Complete Harmony. Our focus on self-care should be high on our to-do list, but what the heck is self-care? Self-care is often regarded as being selfish – looking after yourself first and not attending to the needs of others. Putting…
Everyone Needs Someone to Believe in Them
Starting a business can be a daunting time for anyone, no matter the size of the company. Small business owners have the same anxiety, responsibilities, and subjects to navigate as someone launching a large corporation. However, the main distinguishing factor is that the small business owner is doing everything on their own. If you have started your own business, you’ll appreciate how intimidating it can be.…
Running a Business at Home Can Be Lonely and Isolating
For many female entrepreneurs, the transition from a busy corporate office to running your own business is a mix of excitement and trepidation. Overnight, you become responsible for sales and marketing, PR, HR, accounts, networking, business development, budgets, and so much more. On top of the physical tasks of starting your own business, you are…
How to Write an Effective Guest Blog Post to Boost Your Business Profile
Blogging is one of the most accessible tools to connect and engage with your target audience, whether you are product or service related. By writing valuable, relatable, and enjoyable content for your clients or customers, you begin to build a lasting relationship. When I was asked to write a guest post for the Women’s Business…
Why Impostor Syndrome and Procrastination are Common Issues for Women in Business
We’ve all experienced the mind monkeys that tell us we will never be good enough, we’re not worthy, and we lack experience, or have no value. These negative thoughts are not only dangerous for our mental health, but they can also cause an issue when running a business. In an interview with the Telegraph, author…