Founder Sharon Louca picks up her 2nd Networking Award of 2022
Sharon Louca
Founder Sharon Louca picks up her 2nd Networking Award of 2022 Our founder Sharon Louca was a finalist in the Woman Who Achieves Awards last Friday at Coombe Abbey in Warwickshire. Sharon entered the Awards for a 2nd year after reaching the finals in 2021. The Awards process is an excellent opportunity to reflect on…
4 Ways to Boost Your Confidence as a Woman in Business
Sharon Louca
4 Ways to Boost Your Confidence as a Woman in Business As a woman in business, you will have the drive, passion, and skill set to run a successful enterprise. However, when it comes to business growth or accessing opportunities for professional development any lack of self-confidence can be a block. Can you relate to…
Recent Blogposts
- Guest Blog: Ready to Grow? Why Applying for Grants and Loans Could Be Your Next Smart Move
- Merry Christmas from our Founder Sharon Louca
- Reflect, Reframe, and Reset: Why Reviewing Your Year is Vital for Business and Life Balance
- Mastering Your Thoughts and Emotions: Essential Strategies for Success and Well-Being
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