The Mindset you need to Create Next Level Results in your Business and Life

Guest speaker 8th March Meeting – Ruth Dunn – Leadership and Mental Fitness Coach

We are looking forward to our meeting on Tuesday 8th March and learning more about Mindset from Leadership and Mental Fitness Coach Ruth Dunn.

What is the mindset you need to create that result?

We all want results in life, whether in our business or other areas of our lives, but sometimes we can’t seem to reach the next level. This struggle may affect our business, a promotion, or an inability to earn more money. Or it might be more personal and centre on losing those pounds or achieving better health.

Why can’t we reach that next level?

It’s all about the unvoiced thoughts that play in your head as you move through your day. Narratives like “What if I make the wrong choice?”, “I’m not confident”, “I’ll start tomorrow.”

As many as 98% of our thoughts are exactly the same as the day before and it is believed that 80% of these thoughts are negative.

Tony Robbins says, “Your psychology either makes you or breaks you.”

Our most common barriers to success come from our views, opinions, or beliefs about something.


The most common belief I see is self-limiting, e.g. when someone believes they’re not good at something and then they look for evidence that supports this belief or view.


Challenge your thinking! When have you been successful?


The second belief is that whatever is happening for you good or bad will continue.


Create an action plan of steps to maintain momentum.


The third belief is when we remember negative experiences more often than positive ones and we let these unpleasant memories shape our future so that we avoid situations and taking action.


Anticipate challenges, they are part of the journey!

To reach that next level in business or life, we need to upgrade our mindset – learn to think in new and different ways; learn to turn down the volume on our negative saboteurs who fear change and being out of our comfort zone.

We need a Growth Mindset; an attitude or approach to life that sees setbacks as opportunities to learn and develop, that totally believes that any obstacle can be turned into a gift or opportunity. And as we know, what you believe becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. So imagine where that belief could take you?

This is one of the insights individuals gain when attending my free talk on “The Mindset you need to Create Next Level Results in your Business and Life”.

Join me at the Womens Business Networking on Tuesday 8th March at 9.30am. Book your place on our online meeting here 

What you’ll learn

  • Developing a Growth Mindset of curiosity, creativity and laser focused action in business and life
  • How to avoid the 4 steps to failure
  • Why we avoid things and how to overcome them to take consistent action
  • How to think in new and different ways to overcome our negative saboteurs

Look forward to seeing you there! You can book your place here

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