How to be a Wonder Woman in Business
Sharon Louca
Starting your own business takes time, passion, grit, and courage. It’s well-documented that 20% of businesses fail within their first year, with 30% failing in their second year. Most solopreneurs launch a business after becoming disengaged or disheartened with their corporate careers. Moving from an office environment with departments covering every aspect of day-to-day business…
Setting Boundaries for a Better Work/Life Balance
Sharon Louca
In her funny and poignant book, A Year of Yes, Shonda Rhimes reveals how saying yes changed her life. It’s fascinating how one simple three letter word can create opportunities, promote courage, and push us out of our comfort zone. But what if saying yes adds to your overwhelm? What if, as you inch out…
How to take control of your ‘comparisonitis’
Trisha Lewis
What a dull world it would be if we were all the same. As A.A Milne put it — “The things that make me different are the things that make me.” But when you crush yourself with comparisonitis, have you forgotten your difference.? Let’s set the scene This is a scene familiar to me and…
Networking: The Power Behind the Scenes
Sharon Louca
Over the last eighteen months, online networking has become more than a way to keep in touch with other women in business. For some, it’s become a lifeline for their mental health, a safe space to share anxieties and worries, and a place to give and receive support. On the surface, every networking group provides…
How Womens Business Networking Group differs from other Networking Groups
Sharon Louca
As a woman in business you tend to build up trust over time. It’s natural for you to weigh up all the pros and cons of situations, opportunities, and environments before making any decisions. With the arrival of a global pandemic, this need for maintaining control was ever more present in your business life. Some…
People Want to Help People. It’s Human Nature
Sharon Louca
Supporting our peers is the perfect way to help fellow business owners focus on their abilities and achievements. We learn so much about ourselves and our entrepreneurial skillset when we lift another person, share an experience, or offer advice that drives them forward. The landscape of an office environment or face-to-face meetings may have shifted…
Recent Blogposts
- Guest Blog: Ready to Grow? Why Applying for Grants and Loans Could Be Your Next Smart Move
- Merry Christmas from our Founder Sharon Louca
- Reflect, Reframe, and Reset: Why Reviewing Your Year is Vital for Business and Life Balance
- Mastering Your Thoughts and Emotions: Essential Strategies for Success and Well-Being
- Celebrating 1 Year of Success: The WBN Guide to Becoming a Best-Selling Author